Thursday, February 23, 2012

Short & Sweet

This was what i showed at my last presentation, Few little things were wrong in this which ive fixed already like a foot thats kind of not posed right which i some how missed, And a part of animation where he's sitting down then against a wall in the next shot which im currently animating together as they were two seperate animation file's. 

This is almost finished i decided to cut out the bowing crap thing at the end, and il redo some thing simpler by tonight hopefully. 

Here's a few little fix's and different end shot which is rough ! i just did it today and you can see my texture issue' which are wrecking my head right now.


  1. really love all the camera movements and angles in this .
    hooray for action !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Ruth, was nice to meet you guys the last day :op im awkard in person sorry haha, anyway i just changed the end of it might update this post with it later. Thanks for the comment also the video on your page is set to private so i cant see it :op

    1. It was nice to meet you too ! I am also awkward so its all good :D !
      oh cool - its fun to see all the updates -makes me want to make my camera shots more dynamic/inventive. :D
      Yeah I got confused and put it as private instead of "unlisted" like I wanted . It should be fixed now hopefully .
