Sunday, June 3, 2012


So im going to try do some thing for this 11 second club competition, Hopefully i can eh do a better job on the lips and stuff this time. Anyway I have my general idea in my head at the moment going to make some reference video's .

The idea ive settled on is a this guy and he's a  king and their's a fight going to start for his pleasure, and he's speaking the dialogue out as if he's is lecturing this women on the floor beside the throne who is going to be more interested in her nails than what he has to say  was thinking of her as a slave but looking at it now i might just put her in a new throne as a queen might add a kid to.

I would like to make some costumes for the models but i really no idea how i would go about doing that so i stuck a  crown on his head. Here's a just a mock up i done for the scene.

Been trying to edit Malcolm rig into a some workable child like shape and changed a bit around.

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