Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear Diary

Havent touched this in like a week, because it was giving so much trouble
when i was trying to animate the final jump, the rig kept breaking had about
three attempts at it, and they kept going hay wire on me limbs flipping out etc.
I went back and tried it from a zeroed out pose but then i thought ah feck that
il give it another go and just deleted about 6 seconds of it again ! for the third time.

Anyway felt like tackling it yesterday, and fixed it up.I wouldn't say I am entirely happy with it but I have spent far to long on this bit of animation,and I am moving on, because my eye's may explode, Also what is taking huge amounts of time on this animation is the graph editor/ F curve's i could block out the animation in a hour or so but then it takes a few hours of fixing the curve's to get the animation to play correctly. So i may have to cut back this action sequence even tho the minimum im required to do for it is 30 seconds, il see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to chop of your hands and make them into a soup. Then I'll be this good.

    You gonna rig up your own model or stick with the one you've downloaded?
